Factory Outlet Trailers & Truck/Van Upfitting Solutions is a leading retailer of trailers, truck decks, service bodies, and upfitting solutions, with locations across Western Canada. Our team of over 70 experienced sales professionals and technicians is dedicated to providing a seamless, hassle-free experience to get you back on the road quickly.
For over 25 years, we have proven to Canadians why they can trust FOT. Since 2000, we’ve proudly served over 40,000 customers and expanded to 13 locations across Canada—with more on the way. We are Canada’s largest and most trusted choice for trailer sales, service, and truck/van upfitting.
We offer a wide selection of steel and aluminum enclosed cargos, flatdecks, dump trailers, and more. We also proudly provide truck decks and truck/van upfitting solutions to meet your needs. Our team specializes in factory-direct builds, custom solutions, and modifications to ensure you get the perfect setup.
We partner with top manufacturers, including CM Truck Beds, Dakota Truck Bodies, Wurth Upfitting Solutions, Canada Trailers, Southland Trailer, Load Trail, Big Tex, Alcom, Wells Cargo, Haulmark, Aluma, Trailtech, Master Tow, Marlon, Oasis, and Factory Outlet Commercial Pro.
Visit us today or contact our team to find the perfect trailer or upfitting solution for your needs!