
Buying vs Building a Custom Trailer

If you want a trailer that is designed to perfectly meet your needs, a custom model is the way to go. Your work will be easier and more efficient too! When it comes to custom trailers, you can either build it yourself or buy one. Read on to learn more about both options, and call Factory Outlet Trailers if you have any questions. We are located in High River, Alberta and are proud to serve Calgary, and Edmonton, Alberta, as well as the greater Vancouver area in British Columbia!

Cost of Parts

The first factor to consider when deciding whether to buy or build a custom trailer is the cost of the parts. Buying the parts and materials, like aluminum or steel, yourself is usually more expensive. A manufacturer is able to get the necessary materials at a good bulk price, which keeps the cost lower. The more high-end materials you need, the more money you’ll save by buying a pre-made custom model.

Construction Time

If you buy a custom trailer, you will have to pay for the labor costs. But these employees are experienced at building units, so they will be able to construct the model much faster than you can.

If you decide to build your custom trailer, you’ll have to spend time researching materials, gathering tools and parts, and constructing the unit. If you have a lot of time on your hands, you probably won’t mind crafting your own unit. Think about how your time is best spent and whether you want to use your time building a custom model.


Next, you’ll need to figure out what tools you have available. A custom trailer manufacturer will have the necessary tools on hand. If you have an impressive tool shed, you may be able to build your own unit successfully.

Personal Investment

There’s something special about crafting something with your own two hands. You can’t put a price on building your own custom trailer. If you value personal investment, consider creating your own unit.

Personal Knowledge

One final factor to consider when deciding whether to build or buy is how much you know about trailers. If you are new to the industry, you’ll probably benefit from going through a dealership. The staff can answer any questions you have!

Are you ready to get the perfect unit for your hauling needs? We hope this guide helps you decide whether you want to build or buy your custom trailer. If you still have questions, reach out to our friendly team at Factory Outlet Trailers in High River, Alberta. We proudly serve those in Calgary, and Edmonton, Alberta, and the greater Vancouver area in British Columbia as well. We can’t wait to make your hauling experience easier, more efficient, and more enjoyable too!

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